We might not have the numbers but we do have the heart

What time do you pickup the students

We start fetching students at 5:00am. A Routing table is emailed to all parents and guardians a week before class starts. The routing table contains information about the students, estimated pickup time and location. We find posting the address of the students feasible because it helps the parents intercept the school bus should whenever the student is left behind or left something behind

For Xavier and ICA morning classes we arrive 30 to 45min before class for the students to be able to:

a) rest from the trip;
b) go to their respective school lockers;
c) perhaps get a full meal before start class
d) avoid the traffic congestion in the area.
e) fetch/pickup other students in time for their 8:30am classes

Can the school bus turn back

The school bus cannot turn back for whatever circumstance there may be. Please make sure that the student has all of his things with him before boarding. It is important that the students arrive school on time.

JG RaSher drivers have been trained to drive smart not fast. They use their knowledge of the area to avoid traffic congestion and will do the same in case the school bus is running late, but what they CANNOT DO IS SPEED UP to makeup for lost time.

We prefer the Students arrive late but safe.

How long does the School Bus wait for the student to board

The waiting time is 3 minutes only before drivers moves on to the next pickup point on the 4th minute. Parents and Students are enjoined to be ready 15 min before their estimated pickup time as indicated in the Routing table. We discourage texting before pickup because we find the means unreliable.

a) SMS traffic or Blind spot
b) User is away from his/her cellphone at the time the message is received.
c) for condo dwellers the unexpected volume of elevator users
d) the unexpected/unscheduled maintenance and repair of the elevator to name a few.

Like any transport system passengers waits for the vehicle to arrive.


How long does the student wait before riding the school bus home

The shortest a student waits for the school service home bound is 30 minutes to one(1) hour. We calculate a student walking from his/her classrooms to arrive at the Gates is 15 min another 15 minutes is spent for the other kids to arrive from

a) lockers
b) library either borrowing or returning a book
c) canteen
d) comfort room

Some students get delayed because Teachers require them to fix desk or are detained for a cause.

Can the school bus bring a students bag home

No, we cannot bring a students bag home unaccompanied because anything missing in the bag will be JG RaShers responsibility. We do not account for the school bags content nor do we have process for doing so for this reason, we do not accommodate these kind of requests. 

Are your Employees equipped with communication devices

All JG RaSher Employees are provided company cellphones and are given loads at Company's expense.  As a standard we all use VIBER for communications.

How do we pay the Monthly Service Fee

The Monthly Service Fee can be paid through our depository banks whose bank account nos are included in your billing and statement of account sent every month. You can pay thru the following: Over the counter, Fund Transfer, INSTAPay and Checks. We discourage CASH payments. However, if this is convenient for the parent, we should be informed via text message the amount and who the recipient was, 

Do you give discounts for shortened school days

It is unfortunate that the Company cannot extend additional discounts for shortened school days because the Employees are paid on a monthly basis. 

Why do you need two(2) fetching cards

We require two(2) fetching cards for the Attendant who is full time fetching the student and a backup. Cost of which is charged to the parent. In case there are changes in fetcher during the school day. JG RaSher pays for the new fetching card

How do we identify a JG RaSher employee

Each JG RaSher Employee is issued a uniform below as prescribed by LTFRB. On the upper left hand side you will see the Company name embroidered in blue. Blue and Yellow being the Company colors.
All JG RaSher wear the above uniform as per LTFRB regulations

Health Protocols

We value you children's safety which is why we have adopted the following health protocols in our School Service

1. Students boarding the service as scanned by the Attendant. Should the student have a high temperature we will scan after three(3) minutes. If the scan shows the student to be sick he/she will be asked to go back home.

2. The school bus is sprayed with anti bacterial solution before use and is misted once every week to ensure that it is bacteria free.

3. Alcohol and extra facemasks are available in the service in case the students looses his/her face mask coming from school. The cost of the face mask will be included in the monthly bill.

How do we avail of fetching ID

Kindly refer to Circulars or Memos released by your respective schools regarding the issuance of fetching ID's to your assigned school service providers. In General JG RaSher requires two(2) slots in your fetching forms. One for the assigned fetcher and me as backup. We will issue emails regarding this matter as the procedure varies per school.

How to avail of JG RaSher's Transport Service

For NEW CUSTOMERS we require the following information to be sent via email, text or PM ( via VIBER)

1. Customer's name
2. Email address
3. Home Address
4. Student's name and Grade level
5. School
6. Frequency ( Daily, Custom, One-way or Two-way)

JG RaSher will send a quotation detailing the monthly service fee and other cost that may be associated with the service such as but not limited to the following: a) Guardian or Parent accompanying the student b) Tutorial Services or c) 6pm Special Trips.

LOYAL CUSTOMERS, need to text, email or PM(Viber) their intention and pay the RESERVATION FEE on or before April 15th of each year. Should the deadline fall on a holiday payment should be made on the 1st working day.

Why do JG RaSher service "MEET-UP"

JG RaSher Transport Systems operates similar to an airline. The meet can be compared an airlines "connecting flights". Where an airplane lands on a specific airport for its passenger to transfer to another plane to bring them to their destination.

We use this strategy to:
  1. minimize the travel time of the bigger service vehicles;
  2. avoid early pickups
  3. reduce the number of vehicles going into the Schools especially in the morning.
  4. Saves fuel